Tuesday, December 24, 2019

My Personal Philosophy On Teaching And Implementing A Pbss...

I have been fortunate enough to further my understanding of an administrator s role in developing and implementing a PBSS over the last five weeks. In gaining a broader depth of knowledge from a leadership perspective, I am learning the responsibilities and grit it takes to succeed in a larger role. During this research driven study, I have discovered the many facets that create a positive learning environments for learning. An area that I have focused most of my energy on is, creating a desirable school culture that promotes prosocial behavior among students. This shift in culture is guided by clear and concise policies that take a preventative approach to behavior, while minimizing the need for strategic intervention. This evidence based approach will improve aptitudes and attitudes essential to higher achievement focusing on the whole child, creating safe and socially and emotionally supportive climates, and engaging parents and the community (Alessandro, D. A.H., Brown, M. P., Corrigan, W. M., 2013). Intentions in this paper are to outline what my own personal philosophy on learning is, and to declare three clear professional goals which will state my intent as a graduate professional. Personal Philosophy of Learning My personal belief is that every single child has the potential to be great and a solid contributor to the community. My philosophy on learning is that it’s constant and always changing in order to adapt to students various needs. To do this, I will

Monday, December 16, 2019

Engl227 Week 1 Scenario Free Essays

ENGL227 Week 1 Assignment Scenario You are an upper-level manager in a large metropolitan hotel. One of your assistant managers, Jeff Clarke, has left you a voicemail message requesting emergency leave for the upcoming holiday weekend. Here’s what the message stated: I’m calling to request emergency leave again for this weekend. We will write a custom essay sample on Engl227 Week 1 Scenario or any similar topic only for you Order Now I know I’ve had three emergency leaves in the last two months, but my grandma isn’t feeling well again, and she really needs me to take care of her. I’ll be in later tonight for my shift. Can you let me know then? Thanks. You know from previous requests for time off that Jeff’s grandmother is coping with a debilitating illness. Your other assistant manager, Nina Hernandez, has covered for Jeff three times in the last two months. She has been looking forward to having this weekend off, as she is going out of town to celebrate her grandson’s first birthday. You are already on the schedule this weekend, and if you allow Jeff’s emergency leave, you’ll be short-staffed. To make matters worse, there’s a professional conference this weekend for electrical engineers at a nearby convention center, and many of the attendees will be staying at your hotel. This is the first time the convention center has directed attendees to your hotel, and if all goes well, this could mean a lot more business throughout the year. Jeff’s absences are becoming more and more of a problem. You could call him back on the phone to deny his request, but you’re starting to think you may need a written record of some sort to document the problem in case Jeff’s employment needs to be terminated. Human Resources at Corporate are always emphasizing the need for documentation. 1. Complete the Required Audience Profile (below) for Jeff, with the understanding that someone in Human Resources may be a secondary audience for this written response at a later date. 2. Select an appropriate choice of medium: electronic or print. (See Chapter 4 for guidance in selecting an appropriate medium. ) 3. Write a message to Jeff using an appropriate media choice denying his request and explaining the reasons why. You don’t want to fire Jeff, but you do want to be clear that you are denying the request. You really need his help this weekend. Submit the audience profile AND the written message to Jeff to the Week 1 Dropbox. Successful assignments will meet the criteria outlined in the grading rubric included in the Doc Sharing area. Required Audience Profile This audience profile is required as part of the week one assignment. Answer the questions below to create a thorough profile for your primary audience, Jeff Clarke, and your secondary audience, Human Resources. 1. Is my primary audience external or internal? This instance has an internal audience. Since Jeff Clarke is an employee the communication is within the company. 2. What are some key demographics about my audience, such as age, gender, family situation, etc.? The demographics for this situation are the conference coming up, and the family problems Jeff is having, which is the cause for the issues at hand. 3. How much does my audience know about the topic? Jeff has caused the problem, so he is aware of it. He is the assistant manager, and knows about the scheduled event, as well as how much his presence is necessary. 4. How much formality does my audience prefer? The information given does not allow me to know the person, but since the communication is within a business setting I would keep it formal. 5. How do I expect my audience to react to this message? If the family issue is true then, I would hope for understanding that the problem is out of my hands. Also, I would hope my co-workers would be willing to give the support I need during the troubling family crisis. 6. What are my audience’s values in relation to this message? What do they care about most? With the information provided Jeff’s relation to the message is the need for the message, his family crisis, but The Human Resources office cares most about the shift being covered by Jeff, and not his personal problems. 7. What do I want my audience to think, do, feel, or believe after reading my message? I would hope the primary audience, the company, would empathize with the problems I am currently having, and not penalize me for caring for my mother during her illness. 8. Are there any benefits for my audience that is related to this message? The benefit or the audience I can think of would be to try and schedule the leave for after the event, so both parties can be satisfied. 9. What information do I need to include for the secondary audience? The secondary audience, Human Resources, requires paper work for incidences and emergencies. A doctor’s note and a request are needed to clear the time off, and an incident report is needed to terminate the employee. 10. Whic h medium is most appropriate for this message and this audience? Why? For Human Resources, a full write up of the incident would be an acceptable medium. If Jeff were to have provide more of a notice than the company could have been more prepared, and the there is a risk that Nina could not accommodate the request because of her plans. If she has already left town or does not respond, then the shift will have to be covered by Jeff as originally intended. Jeff, As you have already been informed there is a conference for electrical engineers coming up this weekend, and they will require a full staff’s attention in order to gain their future business and referrals. The presence of all our managers scheduled is required. Unfortunately, Nina has given a request to go out of town, and has already made arrangements to do so. In the past she has been happy to cover your shift for an emergency, but she has already been given leave, and will not be able to work for you. We are unable to approve this leave of absence for the weekend of the event, but are more than happy to accommodate you for an emergency leave after this event. We appreciate your understanding in the current situation, and hope you grandmother gets well. Sincerely, Matt Ferry Hotel Management How to cite Engl227 Week 1 Scenario, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

The 1920s and Organized Crime free essay sample

The 1920s was a decade of exciting social changes and reflective cultural conflicts. For many Americans, the growth of cities, the rise of a consumer culture, and the so-called â€Å"revolution in morals and manners† represented a liberation from the restrictions of the country’s Victorian past. But for others, the United States was changing in undesirable ways. The result was a veiled â€Å"cultural civil war,† in which a pluralistic society classed bitterly over such issues as foreign immigration, evolution, the Ku Klux Klan, and race.The decade was both a decade of bitter cultural tensions as well as a period in which many of the features of a modern consumer society took cause. The 1920s in most commonly thought of as a self-indulgent interlude between the Great War and the Great Depression, a decade of dissipation, jazz bands, raccoon coats, bathtub gin, flappers, flagpole sitters, bootleggers, and dancers. So many new things, ideas, ways of life were established in this time. In accordance to this, World War I had shattered Americans’ faith in reform and moral crusade.The younger generation continued to rebel against the formal traditions while the older generation was occupied by a group of speculation (The 1920s†). World War I may not have made the world safe for democracy, but it did help to lay out the groundwork for this decade of American economic expansion. The 1920s saw the growth of the culture of consumerism, which changed the politics of American society and set the tone for American attitudes about money in the decades after. Americans hoped for prosperity, so they elected three Republican Presidents during this decade (â€Å"H102 Lecture 15: The Politics of Prosperity: The 1920s†).New technology played a very big role in shaping the economy in the 1920s. The culture was so different compared to the years before this decade. The technology that was invented at this time made the economy what it turned out to be. It also made an image into what a person’s lifestyle should be like. It’s kind of like the media today, we see all of this advertising for certain things or we see the way famous people are and we want to be like them in a sense. In reality we know that we can’t exactly be like them. This s kind of what the new technology was doing to people in the 1920s. When cars first came out, they saw their neighbor have one, so they felt like they had to get one. This was like a snowball effect. Everyone saw these new things coming out and had to have them. People looked at what other people were doing and saw this change and felt like they had to change right along with it. This changed the economy in a huge way. Culture was so different before all these new inventions came out. People did not have refrigerators, cars, movies, and this changed their way of life.They did not have to use an ice block anymore, no more walking everywhere, and no more listening to the radio. This did not just impact American economy, culture, and society but also impacted people’s lives and caused what is known to be the Great Depression. After everyone had a car, the manufacturers were still producing them with no one left to buy their cars from them. How could they pay the people that worked for them? They couldn’t, and many people lost their jobs because of this. This was not only happening with the car industry, but it happened in all sorts of factories.The Great Depression was a horrible time of the 1920s, but it made American society what it is today. Without the rebellion and wild happenings of the 1920s we would not have half of the things we would today. The 1920s was a roaring decade that shaped the American dream, for everyone, what it is now. So much happened during this time, some for better and some for worse. We learned from our mistakes and can realize what we have done wrong. If it weren’t for the 1920s, we would not know half of the stuff we do today. We also would not have half the stuff we do either.After the Great Depression was over, when things started getting better, we knew what happened, and we changed that and would try to never let anything happen like that again, at least during that time period. It is all a step by step process that we had to do. First we identified the problem, figured out ways to solve the problem, and then took the small steps into becoming a better nation and staying that way. One way that we tried to help better the society was to ban alcohol. This is part of what caused the organized crime that went on in this time period. The mob was formed and the people could not do anything about that. They were so powerful. People wanted their alcohol and they were not about to go with the idea of prohibition. Even though it seemed like a good idea at the time, it just happened to make matters even worse. Everyone was involved with it either way, if they were drinking, they knew someone who was and were asked to keep quiet about it. The illegal production and selling of alcohol began and this also is what started a lot of crime during this period. Good things were happening in this decade of the 1920s, but underneath what looked like to be a newly industrialized and reformed society, there was a world of crime.Bootleggers and gangs evolved and that was a crime in itself. They shot police officers and caused too many horrific acts to name. There were businesses including bootlegging, gambling, prostitution, and murders to name a few. The society was starting to be run by the mob. This was also a chain reaction because it had to do with knowing certain information and then being paid off.. Even the cops were involved in this because they wanted their liquor, as long as they got it free, they would not report it. This is a main reason in which the mob was so powerful. They had money and knew how to use it.There were serial crimes, and the cops could not stop it from happening. It was organized crime that supplied the alcohol and Prohibition is the reason for it. This was indeed the â€Å"roaring 20s† but it was also roaring with gangsters. If it wasn’t for the prohibition, there would not be the need for any illegal acts of buying or producing alcohol. Therefore, there would not be the need for these gangsters who started all of this crime. There wasn’t even a need for them in the first place, but someone had to start all of this illegal activity, and they became â€Å"famous† for it. Some people saw them as bad people, but others saw them as just the ones who controlled the underworld of illegal alcohol. It was highly obtainable even though it was illegal. Gangsters made so much money in this time of organized crime. Alcohol was illegal, certain people had it, anyone could obtain it, they just had to pay for it. Due to prohibition, it gave gangsters some crime work to do. Even after the prohibition was abolished, and alcohol became legal again, the gangsters had made so much money that the crime still went on. There was really no stopping it now once it all began. It can be imaged that the government knew about this. The crime rates were not going down, but for some reason alcohol was still illegal even though the government knew what was going on. They knew that it caused all of this crime and they knew that alcohol was still being consumed. The question is, how can they stop it? If the abolishment in itself was not working, then how would they stop it now? The nation was far to inexperienced with knowledge of just plain common sense, and they did not know things would go bad until after they saw it happen.Just like how people could just go into any bank and give a fake name and they could get another person’s money. The bank did not know about that until almost all of the banks lost all of their money. That is a very good example of prohibition. The government thinks that it will stop crime, but in reality it just made matters worse and it still went on. The government thought that by banning the sale and supply of alcohol, that this would limit crime and violence. Prohibition did not achieve its goals. It just led to more crimes and more violence.Alcohol, at this time, was seen as :the devil’s advocate† and the thought of banning it would help to improve the quality of American lives. This caused a huge growth in crime and doubled the amount of illegal bars operating then before prohibition. With a large coastline it was almost impossible to police and only five percent of alcohol was ever confiscated (â€Å"Organized Crime in the 1920s | 20th Century Crime†). Many people would pay top dollar to obtain alcohol. People did not see anything wrong with it, even though it was illegal, they saw nothing wrong with wanting a few drinks here and there.After all, it was legal just a few years back. It had to be one of the government’s worst ideas. It caused way more problems hat it ever did before. Even the average citizen broke the law. Yes, of course there was already variations of organized crime before this, but it was not nearly as bad as things had got during prohibition. Police forces were bought off, merchants were controlled, and politicians were bribed and even appointed by organized crime bosses (â€Å"Organized Crime in 1920s Chicago†). The legacy of organized crime extends to this day.Nearly the same things occur today with the modern drug war and organized crime. Prohibition caused major problems, not just organized crime. Unemployment rose because of the closure of all alcohol related industries. More and more police officers would have to divert into the prevention of alcohol consumption rather than fighting other crime. Newly hired prohibition officers were hired to raid speakeasies and they were not paid nearly enough or even qualified and experienced enough either, which made bribery a lot easier. A whole black market was created around alcohol.People began to make their own alcohol and many people got sick from alcohol poisoning because of the poor quality. The public grew less and less respectful of the law. After a great idea in concept, prohibition was a failure. Crime, dunk driving, bootlegging, and public drunkenness increased. After thirteen long years the government finally saw that prohibition was not working, and that it created more of a problem than it solved, they abolished the laws (â€Å"Organized Crime in the 1920s | 20th Century Crime†). The abolishment of prohibition also helped in the Great Depression. Many people got their jobs backs, more opportunities were opened because of this. People could start making money again, the legal way and start working with alcohol industries again. Although prohibition only lasted for a short period of time and was very unsuccessful, it is still seen as a â€Å"noble experiment† towards a righteous cause (â€Å"Organized Crime†). In conclusion, prohibition caused many problems. It should have been a local issue, not something that should be in the Constitution. More and more people came together to fight to bring back alcohol.It was a good idea that prohibition was abolished or else in today’s world, the crime would have been even worse than it already is. The era of prohibition led to a situation in which organized crime was used to obtain the illegal product. Organized crime grew and thrived during this time (â€Å"Effect of Prohibition on Organized Crime†). It has had a lasting effect on illegal substance distribution till this day. There were no lasting positive effects of prohibition. It was a failure and it surely was the cause of organized crime in the 1920s.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Why CanT People Feed Themselves Essays - Social Philosophy

Why Can'T People Feed Themselves? People can't feed themselves because they are dumb. The authors label colonialism as the central source of worldwide starvation. Frances Moore Lappe and Joseph Collins use fact after fact in an attempt to express how extreme the situation was and is. They propose that the origin of starvation in such areas as Africa and Viet Nam are due to the colonization process, which forced the natives to stop cultivating food plants and focus solely on cash crops. The piece vilified the colonizing countries by painting a picture of exploiting the native people and forcing them to rely on imported foodstuffs with intentions of driving up prices on imports while suppressing the costs of exports. Which in turn creates the famine. Some governments instilled plantations and slavery and it seems that the governments went to ridiculous means to make sure that the natives had to rely on plantation wages. ?Plantations usurped most of the good land, either making much of the rural population landless or p ushing them onto marginal soils. (Yet the plantations have often held much of their land idle simply to prevent the peasants from using it ? even to this day. Del Monte owns 57,000 acres of Guatemala but plants only 9,000.? (Lappe and Collins pg 176). Collins and Lappe frequently refer to these nations as ?underdeveloped?, rather than calling them undeveloped. They use this word in order to illustrate that these people are not primitive beings; there are certain areas in their society that need to be developed as opposed to their society as a whole. These underdevelopments were engineered by the colonizers, and could be undone in time if capitalism wasn't the dominant religion of the world. People have become more and more greed driven throughout history, and this article demonstrates just one of the many greed-driven inhumane activities of modern western culture. I think if anything is to blame it is the wool that capitalism has pulled over the eyes of the fortunate. As a result, we ignore all the lessons of the past and continue down the path to our ultimate self-destruction. Anthropology

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Saint Teresa Vision essays

Saint Teresa Vision essays Saint Teresa Vision brings the reader to a new world of beliefs. It is amazing how well she describes her visions. Teresa claims she had many other visions of angels but never paid to much attention to them. Saint Teresa felt she would see an angel perfectly showing her a sign of God. One day, she saw an angel describing, him being short, beautiful and his face so aflame that appear to be all afire. He also had a long golden spear that would stab her chest later on. Teresa never knew the name of the angels that appeared to her, but she could tell angels never had a similarity between each other. Saint Teresa also claims angel had a spear with a fire on the tip. The tip of the spear went through her innards. When the spear drawed out, she thought her innards would come out but instead she was left with the love of God. The pain was not so painful it just made her groan several times. Teresa didnt mind the paid at all; she was grateful of the experience she received from God. Saint Teresa Vision reflects the time in which it was produced since it was time of learning from painting and religion. At that time Catholicism was strong, and Saint Teresa Vision made an impact to citizens. I feel the paint belongs at time that it was done. Saint Teresa Paint is done with details like the angel with spear, his face looking straight down to Teresa. Teresa facial expression is showing pain when spear went through her innards. Saint Teresas Vision probably changed many persons perspectives towards miracles. Many people did not believe in angels or in miracles of God but probably her experience might have change people point of view. Teresa proved that miracles of God do existed, if you are a true believer. Saint Teresas vision does compare with our modern world today. Many people around world has experience other type of miracles, for example, having the image of Virgin Mary in a Window or wat ...

Friday, November 22, 2019

How to Write All the Important Parts of Your Dissertation Introduction

How to Write All the Important Parts of Your Dissertation Introduction The introduction is the first section and starting point of your dissertation where you explain a specific topic, formulate a strong thesis statement, and give an overview of further paragraphs. What is its main purpose? The key goal of any dissertation introduction is to do the following: Grab readers’ interest (include clear examples or use other hooks); Introduce your subject area and purpose of your study; Demonstrate the practical and scientific relevance of your work. What to write in a dissertation introduction? What to write in a dissertation introduction? It’s one of the common questions that students ask when they start completing this important academic assignment to ensure that they’re doing everything correctly. A dissertation introduction is often a difficult chapter to write. That’s because your focus may shift when you continue brainstorming other sections as you analyze, interpret, and connect related research findings to existing knowledge. As you review available literature, your assumptions may change. An introduction should be the last structural part of dissertations to complete because it requires many edits to be powerful. To get an answer to the above-mentioned question, ensure that it contains these crucial elements: The main focus of your research; The value of your study; Preliminary background information to put your paper in context; Specific objectives and aims that it will achieve. Feel free to combine these basic parts to suit your needs. There are other interesting features that you can add to impress every reader, including a concrete research framework or methods. When it comes to the right length of your introduction for a dissertation, there’s no set rule about how long it must be, but you should try to write it on one page. Your dissertation introduction should include subheadings. Don’t forget about key references that you’ll use in your study. ORDER YOUR DISSERTATION NOW The background section Its basic purpose is to ease other people who read your complex and lengthy paper into a given topic. It’s inappropriate to simply state the focus or context of your research and reasoning that forced you to pursue this idea. Readers want to know that your study is really valuable. You can achieve this goal by defining gaps in research. Many students make one common mistake in a dissertation introduction by justifying their work and stating that the chosen subject is interesting to them. Although it’s a significant element of any academic project, you need to go beyond that and state why there’s a particular need for your study. How to outline the background section of your dissertation introduction? Try to identify the main elements of your chosen topic that the targeted audience should know from the very beginning. Make a list of a few powerful authors or readings. Write short notes to explain why they’re very influential and how they fit each other in relation to your overall subject. Consider key terminology to let readers understand your written discussion. You may have a list of abbreviations, but you need to write the background section in your dissertation introduction to highlight essential terms. Determine your research focus fast and provide only basic information. Your research focus A research focus does two important things in your dissertation introduction: Provides more data on your key purpose; Identifies the rationale of your paper. Clarify the areas you’re planning to research. Explain the importance of your study in the first place. The main point is that your research focus should link to the background data in the introduction of your dissertation. These elements should have a continuous flow. Use suitable transitional phrases or words to let readers know how you link ideas and facts to each other. A research focus leads into the aims, value, and objectives of your work, so it serves as a tie in your dissertation introduction. Ease the audience into your subject. Introduce your major point, explain the significance of your materials, and highlight the overall importance of your chosen field. This step will set you up to presenting objectives and aims. Your research value The value of your research deserves to be a separate element in your dissertation introduction because it matters to people who will judge the merit of your paper. It demonstrates that you consider how it can add any value. Not including this part is a big mistake. Devote a few short paragraphs to stating the worth of your contributions to a given discipline (it may not be a significant advancement). There are different ways to address the value of your academic work: Looking at your subject from a different angle; Suggesting that it lacks a critical investigation; Explaining why your research is a bit urgent. State its added value or significance in your dissertation introduction. YOUR DISSERTATION STARTS HERE Objectives and aims Keep in mind that objectives and aims are different things and you need to treat them accordingly. Students usually create them for the ethical clearance of their project or at the proposal stage, and putting them in the introduction of your dissertation is a matter of its clarity and organization. Any academic project has its overall goal. State your main purpose in a direct way. Objectives term from your overall goal and explain to the targeted audience how you will achieve it in your project. Organize them as bullet points or numerically. Objectives are identifiable and clear statements. There are some basic things that you should remember when including them in your dissertation introduction: Distinctness (every objective must assist in achieving the overall aim of your project); Appropriateness (it relates to what you study); Being achievable (your objectives are realistic and you can achieve them within a reasonable period of time); Clarity (avoid ambiguity). In creating your research objectives, take into account these simple steps: Start them with a certain keyword; Find a perfect numerical balance; Begin with simple objectives to set the right scene in your dissertation introduction, They’ll help you demonstrate a logical and clear position. Address them both in the main body and introduction of your dissertation because you can’t simply forget about them. Reference this basic part in your discussion and findings. Final words This helpful guide offers the key parts of any winning dissertation introduction, but you can add extra pieces to make it stronger. An outline of your project can be a good example of additional information that you can include in this paragraph. Ensure that it’s clear and logical to succeed. What if you keep struggling with your dissertation introduction? To solve your academic problems and make this task easier, turn to our qualified writing experts and get professional assistance online. Order our high-quality services and save time for other important activities, such as your studies, hobbies, friends, and job.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Huxley on Happiness and Comfort Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Huxley on Happiness and Comfort - Essay Example Soma is a very one-dimensional euphoriant. It gives rise to only a shallow, unempathetic and intellectually uninteresting well-being. Apparently, taking soma doesn't give Bernard Marx, the disaffected sleep-learning specialist, more than a cheap thrill. The drug is said to be better than promiscuous sex - the only sex brave new worlders practice. Huxley implies that by abolishing nastiness and mental pain, the brave new worlders have got rid of the most profound and sublime experiences that life can offer as well. The clear implication of Brave New World is that any kind of drug-delivered happiness is "false" or inauthentic. Brave New World is a utopia conceived on the basis of species-self-interest masquerading as a universal paradise. Social stratification is institutionalized in a five-way genetic split. There is no social mobility. Alphas invariably rule, Epsilons invariably toil. Huxley' Brave New World does not encourage romantic love whereas they are conditioned to be sexually promiscuous; as such everyone belongs to everyone else. [www.huxley.net] In Current Issues and Enduring Questions, Sylvan Barnet in his Chapter 31 has presented a brief overview about happiness and thoughts of various experts relating to happiness. Happiness, anciently termed as "eudaimonia" by the Greeks was subscribed to a particular type of eudaimonism in which the notion of virtue is central despite the difference between Socrates, Plato, Aristotle and the Stoics. [Juha Sihvola, 1] Epictetus has stressed to win happiness by wishing for the good things among those that are truly our own, i.e., in our power, and not to wish for things that are not truly in our power. Compared to the good things in our power, things that most people take to be good but are not in their power are indifferent. The most succinct statement on Epictetus view of the best possible condition for a human being to be in is: "Do not seek to have events happen as you want them to, but instead want them to happen as they do happen, and your life will go well." [www.echeat.com] S. B arnet has stressed to live a happy and solitary, natural life and die alone, as mentioned in the last stanza of Ode on Solitude by Alexander Pope. Further he has also stated the strong message taken from Rubaiyat of Oman Khayyam which tells that every boy who read the Koran or studies the traditions in his presence would assuredly attain to honor and happiness.[Sylvan Barnet and Hugo Bedau] Bertrand Russell belief that the success of a journey depends on knowledge of the destination, that happiness is not a figment of the mind, that there is no such thing as perfect happiness, that happiness is dependent on a combination of internal and external causes, that fear hinders the good life and that benevolence is a disposition towards helping other people.[www.findarticles.in] From the Alice James point of view, even wealth or being born in a highly intellectually family or even the best luxurious living can't give guaranteed happiness. In From the Diary of Alice James, Alice James wrote that she found her only happiness in form of affection received from Katherine, her constant companion and her brother Henry who visited daily. [Frank Albrecht] The Dalai Lama quoted that there is a definite, commensurate

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Memo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 2

Memo - Essay Example You expressed interest in using our expertise to provide the information. I have come up with a few ideas for viable solutions that make use of our extensive intranet. The ideas include overviews of our security information for clients who access their account information as well. We want them to know that we value their information and work hard to keep it safe. The first idea is to provide links within our intranet, which divide specific information security issues into different categories, such as password protection, encryption, security questions and other. Each link provides specific information regarding the specified security topic. Each topic is designed to appear on the user screen in a â€Å"frames page† using a light colored background that is different from the main user screen. This frame, as a smaller portion of the main screen, will discuss the selected security issue using a common font, in a dark, yet easy to read color. For instance, our intranet main screen is a light blue background with navy blue, aerial font. The new frame selected from the screen might use a tan background with dark brown aerial or other easy to read font. My second idea is to provide an audio/video link, which, when selected, provides written and voice explanation simultaneously. News agencies use such methods to present stories online. Many retailers and corporations use video demos or video clips to describe products and processes. The multimedia method serves to keep viewer’s attention, while reinforcing the written explanation. Video can easily be adapted for use in conjunction with a power point style written presentation. As many of our newest employees are very multimedia savvy, I believe this method to be the most effective. We could even provide employees with a choice of the frames pages or audio/video presentation. I hope you see my suggestions

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Shutter Island Analysis Essay Example for Free

Shutter Island Analysis Essay The story revolved about a man named, Teddy Daniels. A US Marshall who, with his partner, Chuck Aule, went to an island known as â€Å"Shutter Island† to conduct an investigation regarding the escape patient of the said psychiatric institution. upon arriving, he met, Dr. Cawley, the person in charge of the facility. there he found out that the said patient was named, Rachel Solando. when he went to his room, he had found a piece of paper containing a riddle saying, â€Å"the law of 4, Who is 67†. During the investigation, some members of the said facility was uneager to search for the said patient, and during teddy’s interview with some of the patients, one of them told him to run away from the place. This event had added to his curiosity and felt that something was wrong. everyone has his own secrets until it was revealed that even Teddy, has a hidden agenda, he was there for his own reason, he was there to look for, Andrew laeddis, the one who killed his wife, Dolores Chanal. As days go by, many things had happened, he had met George Noyce, his informant about the island and he was shocked to see him locked in the institution.one day, while conducting his investigation, his instict had brought him into a cave, wherein he met, an escape psychiatrist of the intitution. She had dropped the bomb to Teddy, that Shutter island is no ordinary island. it is the place where experiments where done, and that even him is victim of the said work. she said that bit by bit, they are drugging him and making him insane. she also tipped him that they conduct the experiments to the old lighthouse. after the conversation, he was immeadiately found by one of the security officers and was brought back to the facility. Eagerness and curiosity bothered him, that is why he had taken the next step, in which he went to the old lighthouse. upon arriving, he saw dr. cawley, that is when the reality, was revealed. Andrew laeddis is a psychiatric patient named â€Å"Edward Daniels†. His wife killed herself in front of him after drowning her kids, that had been a reason for his illness. his psychiatrist, Dr. Sheehan and Dr. Cawley, had taken a big risk by riding with his delusions, making it appear real, slowly showing him the reality. others had condemmed them for doing that, that being a good man, they want Daniels to regain his sanity, whatever it takes. At the end of the story, Daniels had said something that had had brought hope upon them all, it is when he stood up, surrendered himself and said,  Which would be worse? To live as a monster or Die as a good man?† Analysis Sanity is not a choice. It is one of the things that the movie shutter island wants to show. No one wants to have a psychological problem. They are just victims of the circumstances that they werent able to accept. This is something that Dr. Sheehan and Dr. Cawley had always believed in. Daniels isjust a victim of an event that he wasnt able to accept. That is why his past keeps hunting him and made him make a world of his own wherein only the things he wants to see, feel and experience exist. Dr. Sheehan and Dr.Cawley, both dedicated to thier profession wants Daniels to be treated using a more humane way, the psychological way. The way the two doctors treated and risk their proffesion just to help daniels show how a true caregiver should be. And us, being future nurses should have a mmore open mind and understanding heart especially in handling such patients. Everyone desrves humane treatment.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Company Mergers :: essays research papers

Company mergers and the effect on employees and consumers. Context:  · Employees  · Management  · Consumers Direction:  · On-line research (On-line Magazines, News Groups)  · Human Resources Why the topic is important:  · Mergers have affected our group, and it is a growing trend in the American businesses today. Relevant Terms: Merger   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A merger is achieved when a company purchases the property of another firm, thus absorbing them into one corporate structure that retains its original identity. Consumer   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Consumers are everyday people who buy goods for personal use. Consumers have the right to question object and boycott companies who are not in their best interest. Culture   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Company culture is the DNA of an organization, not always visible, but it controls the form and function of such elements as decision making, communication style, reward and recognition methods, reporting hierarchies and leadership values.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A lot has been written about the financial aspects of merging companies. Less attention has been focused on the human element. More and more firms risk similar fates as the nation continues to experience a boom in mergers and acquisitions. Last year there were 11,655 domestic mergers and or acquisition deals for a staggering $1.6 trillion, according to Securities Data Company, a research organization in Newark, NJ The number of deals has more than doubled since 1990, when 5,654 transactions were reported.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In most merger and acquisition cases, the parties involved follow a well-established mating ritual called due diligence, which allows them to explore the merits of the marriage. Behind the scenes, lawyers, accountants and high-priced financial analysts join with top executives to make sure the move is strategically and financially smart.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Although predicted synergy’s point to handsome profits down the road, when the earnings reports start rolling in, the outcomes are often disappointing. Seven out of ten mergers and acquisitions do not live up to their financial promise. Forty seven percent of the acquired executives leave in the first year; and seventy five percent leave in the first three years, according to Mark Herndon, regional service leader, mergers and acquisitions, at Watson Wyatt Worldwide in Dallas.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The major cause of failure may have nothing to do with the financial or legal details that have been so carefully ironed out between accountants and lawyers. â€Å"People think that if you do the financial deal, the soft and squishy stuff will fall into place,† says Tom Davenport, a partner at Towers Perrin in San Francisco. â€Å"Not true. It’s the soft and squishy stuff that will make or break the deal.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Alabama Immigration Law Essay

Policy Analysis I Paper CJA 463 Policy Analysis I Paper The new Alabama Immigration Law has set a new get tough standard for immigration law and policies. The law â€Å"[outlaws illegal immigrants from receiving any state or local public benefits, bars them from enrolling in or attending public colleges, and prohibits them from applying for or soliciting work]†. (Fausset,  para. 11) The Alabama Immigration Law also forbids the harboring and transport of illegal immigrants. The law also outlaws them from knowingly renting any type of facility or property and does not allow them to work any where in the sate. If a company has an illegal person on their payroll then it makes it an illegal practice to not hire a legal resident. A big issue that has come up in many debates is the fact that schools now have to verify the legality of students in their schools. It does not ban students from attending the school but it does require that the schools keep a report and send it in to the state board of education. Another issue is that the police department must detain any person that can no provide documentation of being a United States Citizen. The Governor of Alabama, Robert Bentley, initiated this bill into congress and it was passed. The bill takes effect on September 1st 2011. Opponents of the bill state that it is unconstitutional. Some of them even saying that it is going back to the pre civil rights era. People are afraid that students will be afraid to attend school in case they are found out to be illegal. If they are found to be illegal then their parents and family could be kicked out of their home, fired from their jobs and they could lose any benefits that they may have making it impossible for them to live. The fear is also that they will be harassed by other kids at the school making it hard for them to attend and learn. The constitutional issue that arises is the discrimination factor. Illegal immigrants are being discriminated against because of their background. It is against the constitution to do that. This has many people angry and looking to overturn the laws in Alabama because of this. This law is more of a regulatory policy because the government of Alabama passed the law to ban illegal immigrants from the state and the laws to enact this ban are going to be taken into effect. The policies and laws surrounding this new act will affect many people and organizations. The illegal immigrants are going to be affected but the police department will have to make a special unit to handle the illegal immigrants or the suspected illegal immigrants that are stopped and detained. This will cost the taxpayers more money and will cost the police department more money because they will have to build bigger facilities, hire more work force and ensure that everyone is multilingual that works on these task forces. Those that do not have the funds to build bigger holding facilities will have to incur the costs to transport the illegal immigrants to other facilities within the state to hold until another unit comes in and verifies their status. The schools will have to hire a whole team that counts and ensures legal status for all children in the school. This unit would need to be multilingual to help with the needs of the illegal immigrant children and to ensure they knew what to do with these statistics. The school system will incur many costs because the unit will have to research and prepare a report stating their findings to the state board of education in Alabama. The state as a whole will be affected because employers will be afraid to hire anyone that does not â€Å"look† American. The employers have to hire another set of employees just to handle the paperwork involved in the e-verify system and to ensure all of their employees are legally authorized to work in the United States. This will cost the employers more money and will leave them little to no room to give incentive raises or merit based raises because of the new jobs this will entail. When new jobs are added, more taxes and insurance is required causing some places to maybe even shut their doors.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Renaissance and Moliere

The French word â€Å"renaissance† is equivalent to â€Å"rebirth† in English. The time period named for this term was indeed a rebirth of the creativity and human spirit lost with the classical age. Most importantly, the Renaissance was a revival of an interest to learn. In many ways, it is the opposite of the preceding Middle Ages. Their world revolved around the Roman Catholic Church; belief in god dictated every aspect of life. On the contrary, the Renaissance was secular and emphasized the predominance of individuality and human values, known as humanism.However GUID or dark the Middle Ages may seem, they were essential for setting the stage for the Renaissance. In 1095, Pope Urban II launched what he called a â€Å"holy war. † This war, issued to regain control of the Holy Land from the Muslims, occurred from 1095 to 1099 and became known as the First Crusade. The Second Crusade began in 1144 with hopes of recapturing the City of Odessa, and it ended in 11 49 without having accomplished what it was intended for. The third and final crusade (1189-1192) was organized to take Jerusalem back from the Muslim leader, Salad, also failing to accomplish its original goal.However, there is a reason the Crusades are recognized as â€Å"history most successful failure – † The impacts of these religious wars were as influential as it gets. Women had opportunities to manage affairs with the men away at war. The ships that transported crusaders were used by merchants to bring back goods such as tea, coffee, sugar, spices, crops, and silk. Europeans saw these as exotic, which stimulated an interest in trade, especially between Europe and Southwest Asia. This increased trade was one of the most prominent attributes of the High Middle Ages.It was also vital for paving the way for the Renaissance. With expanding trade came prosperity for Europe, specifically Italy, along with new trading cities. The fast growth of such business is labeled as the Commercial Revolution. The revolution enabled European towns to grow, and guilds (worker unions) to develop. When serfs recognized opportunity in trade, they abandoned their lords, and a middle class developed. Together, these factors broke down Feudalism The surge of trade and commerce in the High Middle Ages led to a widespread increase in knowledge.Literature became more accessible, and was written in vernacular – native language, as opposed to Latin. This made it so that a wider variety of people could become literate. Before, only the wealthy could read and write. Universities were established, and the curriculum covered arithmetic, grammar, music, and drama. The High Middle Ages was the peak of the Medieval Era. However, the late Middle Ages seemed to be comprised of disaster and turmoil. Pope Boniface VIII and King Phillip IV of France collided, leading to the Great Schism.By the time this split in the church ceased with the election of Martin V in 1417, the pap acy had already been greatly weakened. The bubonic plague hit Europe hard, leading to the death of 25 lion of its people. The prayers of the Church failed to stop the plague, which further lowered its prestige. The Black Death ripped apart the fabric of society. However grim the Plague was, it certainly lent itself to the development of the Renaissance. The late Middle Ages were a terrifying time to be alive, and the survivors wanted to celebrate human spirit and individuality.This newfound outlook on life led to a surge in the arts that lasted from about 1300 to 1600 – the Renaissance. The people of Italy originally hoped to reawaken the culture of Classical Rome and Greece, however in the process they discovered new styles of art and iterate, along with new values such as humanism. This time period originated in Italy due to its prosperous cities and merchant class, but soon the rest of Europe was under its influence. Merchants saw the best opportunities lay in the field of the arts, and they soon flourished. The arts also became less secular, drama in particular.Religious plays saw their demise when interludes led to the rebirth of theater. Moldier dean Baptists Opaquely) was a French playwright, actor, and director. Born on January 15 1622, he dedicated himself entirely to the theater until his tragic death in 1673. He composed 12 of the most lasting comedies in history, and rose to fame with the publication of his first play, The Precious Maidens Ridiculed (1659). He was known as the most popular comic playwright of his time. His comedy was secular, and the clergy even believed that some of his plays were intended as attacks at the church.They went so far as to ban one of his works. The last of his pieces was The Imaginary Invalid (1673), which he wrote while ill from a lung condition. After the fourth performance of this play, Moldier collapsed on stage, coughing up blood, while playing the lead role, Organ, and died later that day. As in much of Molder's work, The Imaginary Invalid (Lee Malady imaginary) showcases a good amount of Comedic delegate themes and techniques, such as stock characters – the three most pronounced of these figures were the servant, master, and inamorata (lovers).The play is a satire of the medical field, as the lead, Organ, is a classic hypochondriac. His daughter Angelical is an Inamorata (a lover), her partner being the man she wishes to marry. Organ has plans for her to marry a doctor, seeing as he's â€Å"ill† and a doctor in the family would benefit himself. Their maid Continent is the equivalent of a Comedic servant. The Imaginary Invalid showcases certain ideals of the Renaissance, such as the importance of each individual, and that the greatest part of being human is the humans free will to choose.Angelical comes to her father expecting to have his blessing in her marrying the man of her dreams. Organ seems to be more than willing to consent, even satisfied with what he has hea rd of the man, until they gather that they are not talking about the same person. Before the Renaissance, there was no compromise – the only word that mattered was the father's. The plays controversial comedy also reflected values of the Renaissance. It as a source of entertainment produced for people's enjoyment regardless of the Church's disapproval.While contrasting to the celebrated Renaissance, the Middle Ages were essential for setting the stage for the remarkable era. The Renaissance remains an impressive time period, considering the immense growth of human knowledge and achievements. The arts held a position of utmost importance, and they allowed people to express themselves in many ways. This feeds directly into the number one new value of the time: humanism. Without the arts, there would have been no Renaissance, and in turn, life today would be strikingly different. Works Cited Beck, Roger B.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on Prisoner On Prisoner Crimes

Introduction It makes absolutely wonderful television. We watch television shows like â€Å"Oz† and believe that this is just one mans imagination at work. Or, maybe we are not that naive, maybe we do see the problem and just believe that this is what the monsters deserve. No matter which you believe there exists in the world today an alarming situation. At an incredible rate, men are being beaten and sexually abused by other men. In fact, men are being forced to perform both oral and anal sexual acts by other men or groups of men around the country on a day-to-day basis. To make it even worse, it has even been reported that these acts have been going on under the noses of, and even sometimes the watchful eyes of, members of law enforcement. Of course, this should come as no surprise. Major news outlets, legal experts, and even the Supreme Court have taken notice of this situation. Yet, even with all of this attention, the situation persists. The reason: because the men who are the vi ctims are also convicted criminals. And, despite a stance by our government and our judicial system to the contrary, no one even seems to care. In this paper, we will first examine the reality that is the growing epidemic of prison violence and why it has become an inescapable reality for prisoners throughout the United States. Then, we will examine what I (as well as others) believe are some straightforward prodigious ways that this problem can be alleviated and hopefully eliminated. There are several different types of prison violence that persist within the United States criminal justice system. Among the most common of these violent occurrences are the constant beatings and rapes that have become common place. According to most sources, the vast majority of the victims in these assaults are men. Of course, this is most probably the case because around ninety percent of the current U.S. prison population is male. However, no matter wh... Free Essays on Prisoner On Prisoner Crimes Free Essays on Prisoner On Prisoner Crimes Introduction It makes absolutely wonderful television. We watch television shows like â€Å"Oz† and believe that this is just one mans imagination at work. Or, maybe we are not that naive, maybe we do see the problem and just believe that this is what the monsters deserve. No matter which you believe there exists in the world today an alarming situation. At an incredible rate, men are being beaten and sexually abused by other men. In fact, men are being forced to perform both oral and anal sexual acts by other men or groups of men around the country on a day-to-day basis. To make it even worse, it has even been reported that these acts have been going on under the noses of, and even sometimes the watchful eyes of, members of law enforcement. Of course, this should come as no surprise. Major news outlets, legal experts, and even the Supreme Court have taken notice of this situation. Yet, even with all of this attention, the situation persists. The reason: because the men who are the vi ctims are also convicted criminals. And, despite a stance by our government and our judicial system to the contrary, no one even seems to care. In this paper, we will first examine the reality that is the growing epidemic of prison violence and why it has become an inescapable reality for prisoners throughout the United States. Then, we will examine what I (as well as others) believe are some straightforward prodigious ways that this problem can be alleviated and hopefully eliminated. There are several different types of prison violence that persist within the United States criminal justice system. Among the most common of these violent occurrences are the constant beatings and rapes that have become common place. According to most sources, the vast majority of the victims in these assaults are men. Of course, this is most probably the case because around ninety percent of the current U.S. prison population is male. However, no matter wh...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Basswood Tree Description and Pruning Info

Basswood Tree Description and Pruning Info Introduction to the Basswood Tree Basswood, also known as American Linden is a large native North American tree that can grow more than 80 feet tall. In addition to being a majestic tree in the landscape, basswood is a soft, light wood and prized for hand carvings and making baskets. Native American basswood is found on rich, wet soils of the central and eastern United States. In the landscape, is a very beautiful and large tree with a majestic oval canopy mounted on a tall, straight trunk. Mid-summer brings abundant clusters of aromatic, yellow blooms which attract bees who make a prized honey - the tree is often fondly called the honey or bee tree. Taxonomy and Species Range The scientific name of basswood is Tilia americana and is pronounced TILL-ee-uh uh-mair-ih-KAY-nuh. Common names include American basswood, American linden and bee-tree and the tree is a member of the plant family Tiliaceae. Basswood grows in USDA hardiness zones 3 through 8 and is native to North America. The tree is often used as a hedge but only in large tree lawns. It grows rapidly, is very large and needs plenty of space. The tree makes an excellent landscape planting with limited tolerance to urban conditions depending on the cultivar. It is a perfect shade tree and can be used as a residential street tree. American Linden Cultivars There are several great cultivars of American linden including ‘Redmond’, ‘Fastigiata’ and ‘Legend’. The cultivar Tilia americana ‘Redmond’ grows 75 feet tall, has a beautiful pyramidal shape and is drought-tolerant. Tilia americana ‘Fastigiata’ is more narrow in shape with fragrant yellow flowers. Tilia americana ‘Legend’ is a hearty tree with resistant to leaf rust. The tree shape is pyramidal, grows with a single, straight trunk, and with upright, well-spaced branches. All of these cultivars are great as specimens for large lawns and along private drives and public streets. Pests of Basswood Insects: aphids are notorious pests on basswood but will not kill a healthy tree. Aphids produce a sticky substance called honeydew which then introduces a dark sooty mold that will cover objects under the tree including parked vehicles and lawn furniture. Other attacking insects include bark borers, walnut lace bug, Basswood leaf miner, scales and Linden mite can all be troublesome problems. Disease: Leaf rust is a major defoliator of basswood but some cultivars are resistant. Other diseases that infect basswood are Anthracnose, canker, leaf spots, powdery mildew, and verticillium wilt. Basswood Description: Basswood in the landscape grows to a height of 50 to 80 feet, depending on tree variety and site conditions. The trees crown spread is 35 to 50 feet and the canopy is typically symmetrical with a regular, smooth outline. Individual crown forms are consistent with an oval to pyramidal canopy shape. Crown density is tight and the trees growth rate is medium to rapid, depending on the site condition. Basswood Trunk and Branches Basswood branches droop as the tree grows and do require some pruning. If you have regular walking and vehicular traffic, a pruning may need to be done for clearance beneath the canopy. The tree form is not particularly showy but maintains a pleasing symmetry and should be grown with one single trunk to maturity. Basswood Leaf Botanics Leaf arrangement: alternateLeaf type: simpleLeaf margin: serrateLeaf shape: cordate; ovateLeaf venation: pinnateLeaf type and persistence: deciduousLeaf blade length: 4 to 8 inchesLeaf color: greenFall color: yellowFall characteristic: not showy I explain some of these terms in my Botanical Glossary... Necessary Site Conditions The native American basswood grows best on moist, fertile soils where those soils are acid or slightly alkaline. The tree likes to grow in full sun or partial shade and is more shade-tolerant than oaks and hickories. The leaves will show some wilting and scorching after a long dry season, but the tree appears fine the following year. The tree is often found growing along creeks and streams but will take short periods of drought. The trees favorite habitat is on moist sites. Pruning Basswood American linden grows into a very large tree and demands space to develop properly. Naturally occurring trees need no pruning but branches on landscape specimens should be spaced by pruning along the trunk to allow for development to maturity. Removing branches with weak crotches and embedded bark is advised even though the wood is flexible and will not often break from the trunk. Plant basswood as a specimen or shade tree only on property where there is plenty of area available for root expansion. Remember to remove basal sprouts that are prone to grow off the base of the trunk.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Role of The HR Function Regarding the Management of People Within an Assignment - 1

Role of The HR Function Regarding the Management of People Within an Organization - Assignment Example The researcher states that the HR function assists in gauging a better idea how work processes get done and how people interact with one another. The HR function is therefore the lifeblood of any organization when it comes to their own people and the manner in which they are managed in an amicable way. The HR function was always remain imperative as far as the work realms are concerned because this ensures success for the organization from the long-term standpoint. The role of the first line supervisor or manager in managing people is necessary to understand as it paves way for a number of undertakings within the HR domains. The first line supervisor or manager oversees that all work tasks are being handled in a proper way and that there are no weaknesses that exist within the related realms. The aspect of managing people is such an important one that it can literally make or break the basis of any business in the time and age of today. It can be the cornerstone of achieving success or the complete failure of tasks which are closely related with the HR function within the organization. The first line supervisor or manager therefore finds out how work needs to be prioritized and the people for whom the work would be distributed and delegated to, so as to receive the output in a timely manner. The HR Manager is the person who is responsible for ensuring that all HR policies, procedures, codes, laws and rules are followed to the core. This is his role which would suggest that any good points or negativities exist within the system. When the problems are encountered, the HR manager is the first person who tackles these issues in a head-on way. He makes sure that all the tasks are taken care of and no problems would remain within the midst of achieving success for one and all. It is the HR manager’s responsibility which will dictate the basis of respect and dignity in terms of conformance for the HR functions which are available in the organization. The HR ma nager would always know what is happening in front of him and how he would bring the best value in terms of his business through the incorporation of his own resources, which are indeed the people working in different sectors of the organization. The HR department is responsible for the performance of employees within an organization. The employees usually look up to the HR management domains for finding out whether or not they are playing an active role within their work domains. It makes them remain one step ahead of how they are committing to work ethos and thus giving in performance which is up to the par and of excellent level. The HR department also tells the employees within an organization where they are lagging and what they need to do in order to remain proactively aligned with their respective work tasks and related areas. The performance of the employees would therefore always be judged when they are motivated enough to carry out their work in the best way possible. It w ould make them do their best and thus offer the organization best return on its resources that it has employed over a period of time.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Insurgency International Context Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6750 words

Insurgency International Context - Essay Example During the last two decades, the world community has been witnessing substantial rise in insurgency in different parts of the world that pose great challenges in terms of security and maintenance of political stability at global level. The outbreak and rise of insurgency is an important issue that has the potential to influence the dimensions of world politics. The reasons behind the rise of insurgency always remain an important point of concern for the social scientists and there have been many research studies conducted to identify the core reasons behind the evolution of insurgency. It is revealed that there are certain country characteristics that determine the possibilities of insurgencies within its boundaries. For instance, the poorer societies are found at high risk positions to encounter insurgency in form of civil war. Moreover, in the countries where there is political instability and abundance of rob able resources there are more chances to encounter the dilemma of insurgency1. It implies that the country characteristics encourage the insurgents to manage organized revolt against the existing authority. It is also revealed that insurgency is promoted through the external support being provided to the insurgents. Byman (2001) explain some important reasons behind the rise of insurgency and tells in some cases, the opponent of the state use to convince the ethnic minorities of the state to put on their struggle against the governments for their rights. The problems and discriminating acts of the government are over highlighted and over exposed to give the minorities an impression that have been massively exploited by the state and it is very crucial for them to raise voice against the established authorities. The minorities are strongly encouraged to resists against the governments in order to establish a system of their own choice where they could be assure of protection of their rights2. An important point within the debate of causes

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Marketing strategy of Kempinski (NOT a singel hotel but the global Research Proposal

Marketing strategy of Kempinski (NOT a singel hotel but the global brand) - Research Proposal Example The wine trade business of Kempinski has been quite active from 1862 (Kempinski, 2014a). However, after a short stagnation period, the company again flourished in Berlin. In the year 1872, the hotel chain was extended to Berlin. Then again, during World War II, the hotel at Berlin was completely destroyed. In 1994, Kempinski was taken over by Dusit Sindhorn by acquiring 52 percent stake of the hotel chain. This joint venture between Dusit and Siam Bank came to an end, when Dusit sold off the hotel chain to the latter (Kempinski, 2014a). This hotel chain is known for its deep-rooted traditions. Being one of the oldest chains of hotels in Europe, Kempinski provides a unique offering of cultural heritage and traditional architecture. As already mentioned, the hotel group has 75 hotels spread across 30 countries (Kempinski, 2014a). Nonetheless, the company is continuously expanding its base by adding new hotels in Middle East, Europe, Asia and Africa. The offerings include a portfolio of city hotels, historic hotels, residences and resorts. Few of the hotel brands that are famous worldwide are Berlin’s Adlon Kempinski hotel, Abu Dhabi’s Emirates Palace, Dresden’s Taschenbergpalais Kempinski hotel and Instanbul’s Çiragan Palace. The owners of Kempinski are also associated with establishing a global alliance of hotels that is active worldwide (Kempinski, 2014b). Kempinski caters to a wide range of customers in the premium and luxury segment. The hotel group’s target customers include wealthy and high profile individuals travelling for leisure, vacation or business. The hotels also cater to various incentive groups and business conferences. The hotels offer unique locations for meetings and seminars. The hotels support various restaurants, bars, spas and clubs; many of these are open to outsiders too. Thus, the hotels also offer services to outside customers. Market segmentation for Kempinski can be done according to specialty of its hotels.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Achieving Competitive Advantage Through Is Information Technology Essay

Achieving Competitive Advantage Through Is Information Technology Essay What are the identified problems, issues and short comings in addition to above two areas of studies how can Srilankan Airlines achieve competitive advantage by changing the effectiveness in their management system using IS/IT? 5.0 Background Information System and Information Technology (IS/IT) has become the core feature for many business successes in the globe. IT applications are mostly used to help organizations to do its day to day work and to gain competitive advantage while reducing competitive disadvantage and to meet other business objectives which organizations need. According to Ross and Fenny (1999), in the mid of 1980s, they have identified the IS/IT as a key weapon which helps to achieve the competitive advantage for any organization. Also Ward and Daniel (2006) has stated in their book of Benefits Management that in the last four decades there was a huge IS/IT requirement for organizations to meet its requirement to achieve the competitive advantage. Furthermore Ward and Daniel (2006), mentioned that with the early stage of IS/IT adoption helps to automate some routine activities to reduce the efficiency and reduce the cost while delivering a good operational process with a good product. According to Croteau and Bergeron (2001); Kearns and Lederer (2000); Zhang and Lado (2001) cited in Garg, Joubert and Pellissier (2005) p.33, mentioned that applications which are support to achieve the competitive advantage referred to as the strategic management information technology and it helps to achieve the best business performance for the organizations. According to Burn and Martinsons (1997); Ho (1992); Wiseman (cited in Henry and Pun (2000), stated that it is possible to accomplish the competitiveness of companies by using new opportunities which offered to the firm by strategic information systems. Buhalis (2004), has mentioned in his research paper about e-airlines, that airlines have been investing heavily for Information Communication Technology since the 1950s and they have used the IS/IT as a competitive tool to achieve their business targets. Also he has mentioned some examples that, in 1962, the American Airlines introduced its SABER computer reservation systems as an alternative solution for their previous manual data entering system expanding its Boeing fleet by 50%. According to the 12.manage.com website, with the huge business growth the IS/IT has given more impact to those businesses and mean while there is a huge development in IS/IT systems. Strategic planning helps the organizations to identify their IS application and its Information Technology which support to gain the competitive advantage over other competitors. Strategic planning is a tool which support for the organizing part for the present on the basis of the projections of the desired future. Information technologies are increasingly regarded as strategic resources of an organization. Indeed it is a potential use of IS/IT as a competitive weapon has become a popular clichà ©. Also the Management play an important part of an organization. Its main role is to unite people together in order to accomplish achievable goals. Management mobilize or allocate resources to different department like Human resource, Finance, IT department, etc. and organize these resources in such a way that organizational strategic goals are accomplished easily in the long run. Management also takes vital part in planning, organizing, leading and controlling. It gives direction, aligns and achieves organization goals with available resources. As shown in the allbusiness.com website, there are three different types of levels available in management hierarchy. Those are categorized as strategic, tactical and operational. To get the maximum benefit out of the company business intelligence, the organization needs to have all three levels strategic, tactical and operational working in conjunction with one another. According to Steiner (1979), in the role of management scenario, mainly the strategic level is more important and it is the highest level and usually done by senior management level. Basically the decisions on the objectives, committing money, employee and time are done within this strategic level. Tactical planning level it does the implementation of the strategic plan stages such as combine the available resources and review alternatives. Within the operational level, it is much more detailed of strategic and tactical levels. In this level the managers chosen to work the plan develop a specific plan to execute the strategic plan. Therefore the management role and the IS/IT strategies are playing a huge role to gain the competitive advantage. As stated in Srilankan Airlines annual report (2009), their IT division involving and giving huge support role to all departments in the Srilankan Airline during a year of multiple changes. Srilanka Airlines IT department is an independent department within the organization. Therefore it is an entity as a part of the process to align all divisions with the corporate strategy in an IT perspective and it is helping the entire organization to benefit from modern technology and improve their processes and productivity while gaining competitive advantage. However according to Porter (Cited in Clarke 2001) p.114, mentioned that, he has proposed to gain the competitive advantage; the firm must be based on one of three generic strategies. Those are categorized as differentiation, cost leadership and the focus. Considering the Porters differentiation strategy, the Srilankan Airlines has provided greater customer convenience through check-in facilities on mobiles was completed. This mobile fac ility is mainly focuses on the Srilankan Airlines customers. Comparing with other airlines, the Srilankan Airline has been using the differentiation strategy in their organization. Therefore further investigation is required to identify whether the role of management involvement is really beneficial to achieve the competitive advantage using IS/IT or not. Considering all these general factors which mentioned in the above paragraphs, it is clear that role of management involvement and IS/IT involvement are the main key factors of gaining competitive advantage for any organization. Therefore this research is carried out to find whether the same concepts which have been described in above paragraphs can apply to the Srilankan Airlines to achieve competitive advantage while comparing with the general findings. 6.0 Literature Review 6.1 Introduction IS/IT have revolutionized the entire business world. So far the organizations derive the competitive advantage applying technology to their industry. Mostly the competency will be changeable among the competitors base on their IT usage and the involvement of role of management. The airline industry in particular has fostered a dependency on IS/IT for their operational and strategic management. Airlines were early adopters of Information Systems Information Technology and have a long history of technological innovation, in comparison to many other business industries. (Buhalis 2004). IT applications are mostly used to help organizations to its day to day work and to gain competitive advantage while reducing competitive disadvantage and to meet other business objectives which organizations need. Following sections describe about what is competitive advantage and how the organizations achieve competitive advantage using IS/IT with involvement of management roles. 6.2 Competitive Advantage As stated in 12manage.com web site, if a company probably able to make a profit in excess of its cost of capital, because it has achieved a competitive position which offers some of and edge over its potential rivals. To achieve such a competitive edge, it typically takes the formulation and execution of business strategy. To develop a competitive advantage, the company must possess value creating activities which cannot be duplicated by any other organization. According to Day and Wensley (cited in 12manage.com website 2010), mentioned that two sets of sources are there which involved in creating competitive advantage. Those two are categorized as superior skills and superior resources. As proposed by Porter (1985), that to gain the competitive advantage, the firm must be based on one of three generic strategies. Those are categorized as differentiation, cost leadership and the focus. The differentiation means that whatever the product should be different from other vendors and the cost leadership makes firm to produce the products in lower cost. This will help to increase the profit margins to the firm. Focus means that the firms must concentrate about the present market and need to identify where are they comparing to other vendors and finally based on the calculation they must perform better than other competitors using their skills and knowledge. In some other way Treacy and Wiersema (1995), proposed another popular generic framework for gaining competitive advantage. Within this framework, a firm typically will choose to emphasize one of three value disciplines: product leadership, operational excellence, and customer intimacy. Operational Excellence As suggested by Ward and Peppard (2002, p.112), Operational Excellence means enabling products and services to be obtained reliably, easily and cost-effective by customers. With this competency-based strategy it implies a business strategy which can do better improvement to the organization than other competitors and be able to deliver both cost-effective and reliable quality of customer contentment. Product Leadership Further to Ward and Peppard (2002, p.114), product leadership means continuing product innovation meeting customers needs. This strategy implies not only creativity in developing new products and enhancing existing ones, but also astute market knowledge to ensure that they sell. Customer Intimacy It has been argued (Ward and Peppard 2002, p.113), that the Customer Intimacy indicates targeting markets very precisely and tailoring products and services to the needs of particular customer groups. The purpose of here is not just to satisfy but to please customers by understanding their needs and meeting them on every occasion. This can be obviously being expensive but it can build long-term customer loyalty. However further to Porter (1985), he has define a frame work model call Five Forces diagram which capture the main idea of porters theory of competitive advantage. The five forces model defines the rules of any kind of competition in any industry. Further to Porter, these five forces determine industry profitability. Also the five forces frame work point out that what is most important and it helps organization to capture their targets for long-term advantage. The five competitive forces are typically shown in the following diagram 1.0; Diagram 1.0: Porters Five Forces Elements of Industry Structure Source: Porter, (1985), p.6 The collection of strength of the five forces can be varies from industry to industry. In the meantime the strength each of the five forces also can change. Further to Porter and Miller (1985), stated that information technology can alter the five forces to the industry attractiveness. The Five Forces framework highlights what is important and directs managers towards those aspects most important to long-term advantage of the organization. According to Porter (1985), has explained the Five Forces elements as follows; Bargaining Power of Suppliers The term suppliers comprises all sources for inputs that are needed in order to provide goods or services. There are several elements for Supplier bargaining power is likely to be high. The market is dominated by a few large suppliers rather than a fragmented source of supply, There are no substitutes for the particular input, The suppliers customers are fragmented, so their bargaining power is low, The switching costs from one supplier to another are high, There is the possibility of the supplier integrating forwards in order to obtain higher prices and margins. This threat is especially high when The buying industry has a higher profitability than the supplying industry, Forward integration provides economies of scale for the supplier, The product is undifferentiated and can be replaces by substitutes, Switching to an alternative product is relatively simple and is not related to high costs, Customers have low margins and are price sensitive, Customers could produce the product themselves, The product is not of strategically importance for the customer, Threat of New Entrants The competition in an industry will be the higher, the easier it is for other companies to enter this industry. In such a situation, new entrants could change major determinants of the market environment (e.g. market shares, prices, customer loyalty) at any time. There is always a latent pressure for reaction and adjustment for existing players in this industry. The threat of new entries will depend on the extent to which there are barriers to entry. These are typically Economies of scale (minimum size requirements for profitable operations), High initial investments and fixed costs, Cost advantages of existing players due to experience curve effects of operation with fully depreciated assets, Brand loyalty of customers Protected intellectual property like patents, licenses etc, Scarcity of important resources, e.g. qualified expert staff Access to raw materials is controlled by existing players, Distribution channels are controlled by existing players, Existing players have close customer relations, e.g. from long-term service contracts, The buying industry hinders the supplying industry in their development (e.g. reluctance to accept new releases of products), The buying industry has low barriers to entry. Bargaining Power of Customers Similarly, the bargaining power of customers determines how much customers can impose pressure on margins and volumes. Customers bargaining power is likely to be high when They buy large volumes, there is a concentration of buyers, The supplying industry comprises a large number of small operators The supplying industry operates with high fixed costs, High switching costs for customers Legislation and government action Threat of Substitutes A threat from substitutes exists if there are alternative products with lower prices of better performance parameters for the same purpose. They could potentially attract a significant proportion of market volume and hence reduce the potential sales volume for existing players. This category also relates to complementary products. Similarly to the threat of new entrants, the treat of substitutes is determined by factors like Brand loyalty of customers, Close customer relationships, Switching costs for customers, The relative price for performance of substitutes, Current trends. Competitive Rivalry between Existing Players This force describes the intensity of competition between existing players (companies) in an industry. High competitive pressure results in pressure on prices, margins, and hence, on profitability for every single company in the industry. Competition between existing players is likely to be high when There are many players of about the same size, Players have similar strategies There is not much differentiation between players and their products, hence, there is much price competition Low market growth rates (growth of a particular company is possible only at the expense of a competitor), Barriers for exit are high (e.g. expensive and highly specialized equipment). Above mentioned forces determine the intensity of competition and hence the profitability and attractiveness of an industry. At the primary level, firms create competitive advantage by perceiving or discovering new and better ways to compete in an industry and bringing them to market, which is ultimately an act of innovation. Innovations shift competitive advantage when rivals either fail to perceive the new way of competing to respond. There can be significant advantages to early movers responding to innovations, particularly in industries with significant economies of scale or when customers are more concerned about switching suppliers. Some of the typical causes of innovations which shift competitive advantage are categorised as follows: new technologies new or shifting buyer needs the emergence of a new industry segment shifting input costs or availability changes in government regulations Over the past two decades, researches have proposed several strategic frameworks to identify the IT applications that are likely to provide competitive advantage. It is important to identify the difference between IS, IT and information and the generic benefits of IS/IT as well. Therefor the following will discuss about the IS/IT strategies and how it beneficial for the business sector. 6.3 IS/IT Strategies It has been argued by Clarke (2001), p.115, that informations passes in-between individuals and groups with a given social environment. Information systems may identify as a system which supports and enable to pass within the specific environment. Distinguish between IS, IT and informations and the way its link with each other is showing in the following figure 1.1. Information Support Information Systems Enables Information Technology Figure: 1.1 The Nature of Information Technology, Information Systems and Information Source: Clarke (2001), p.116 There are several benefits which can be gained from IS/IT. According to Farbey et.al (cited in Ward and Danniel, 2006), stated that there are five elements included in the organizational structure. Following table 1.2 shows the five elements of and organization and its description. Organizational Structure Elements Description Strategic Includes people charged with overall responsibility for the organizations direction Management Includes middle managers who operate in order to transform the strategic vision into operational reality Operational Refers to people who perform work related directly to the production of products and services Functional Includes people who serve the organization by affecting others work Support Includes people who provide support for the organization outside the basic production of goods or services. These are often specialist in certain disciplines. Table: 1.2 The five elements of an organization Source: Ward and Daniel (2006), p. 7 However table 1.2 shows that there is significant numbers of benefits can apply to the management and to the organization which helps to gain the significant development. As argued by Ward and Daniel (2006), the strategic benefits are more involved in business organizations development and to develop a new business models where IS/IT play a main role. As stated by Ferbey et al. (cited in Ward and Daniel 2006), the term of management describe about the activities of middle management in an organization. These manager levels operate business unit levels and take decision making and also responsible for the development of their staff members. Further to Farbey et al. (cited in Ward and Daniel 2006), the operation benefits are classifieds in to goods and services which any firm provides. The main target is to get a worthy output which is differentiating from other vendors. While having a good operational benefits and giving it to the customers, the company can gain more benefits while ga ining competitive advantage. Also in functional and support benefits, it identifies certain activities which are support for the core activities which relate to company production of the goods and services. At the level of strategy implementation, the firms perform discrete activities conceiving new ways to conduct activities, employing new procedures, new technologies, or different inputs. As suggested by Porter (1980), the value chain is a systematic way of examining all the activities a firm performs and how they interact. It scrutinizes each of the activities of the firm (e.g. development, marketing, sales, operations, etc.) as a potential source of advantage. The value chain maps a firm into its strategically relevant activities in order to understand the behaviour of costs and the existing and potential sources of differentiation. All the activities in the value chain contribute to buyer value, and the cumulative costs in the chain will determine the difference between the buyer value and producer cost. A firm gains competitive advantage by performing these strategically important activities more cheaply or better than its competitors. One of the reasons the value chain framework is helpful is because it emphasizes that competitive advantage can come from anywhere along the value chain. It is important to understand that how a firm fits into the overall value system and it should include the value chains of its suppliers, channels, and buyers. Porter (1996) builds on his ideas of generic strategy and the value chain to describe about the strategy implementation in more detail. Competitive advantage requires that the firms value chain be managed as a system. Positioning choices determine not only which activities a company will perform and how it will configure individual activities, but also how they relate to one another. This is crucial, since the essence of implementing strategy is in the activities choosing to perform different activities than rivals. A firm is more than the sum of its activities. Further to Porter (1996), a firms value chain is an interdependent system or network of activities which has connected by linkages. Linkages create trade-offs requiring optimization and coordination. Porter (1986), has describes three choices of strategic position that influence the configuration of a firms activities: Variety-based positioning based on producing a subset of an industrys products or services; involves choice of product or service varieties rather than customer segments. Makes economic sense when a company can produce particular products or services using distinctive sets of activities. (i.e. Jiffy Lube for auto lubricants only) Needs-based positioning similar to traditional targeting of customer segments. Arises when there are groups of customers with differing needs, and when a tailored set of activities can serve those needs best. (i.e. Ikea to meet all the home furnishing needs of a certain segment of customers) Access-based positioning segmenting by customers who have the same needs, but the best configuration of activities to reach them is different. (i.e. Carmike Cinemas for theatres in small towns) Porters major contribution with activity mapping is to help explain how different strategies, or positions, can be implemented in practice. The key to successful implementation of strategy, he says, is in combining activities into a consistent fit with each other. A companys strategic position, then, is contained within a set of tailored activities designed to deliver it. The activities are tightly linked to each other, as shown by a 1.3 diagram of sorts. Fit locks out competitors by creating a chain that is as strong as its strongest link. If competitive advantage grows out of the entire system of activities, then competitors must match each activity to get the benefit of the whole system. Figure 1.3 Activity Map Source: Porter, Harvard Business Review (1996) Porter defines three types of fit: simple consistency first order fit between each activity and the overall strategy reinforcing second order fit in which distinct activities reinforce each other Optimization of effort coordination and information exchange across activities to eliminate redundancy and wasted effort. To manage all these IS/IT strategies within the organizations and to achieve the competitive advantage, the management roles are also playing a huge role within the organization. The following section will talk about the levels of Management roles and how it supports to gain the competitive advantage for the organization. 6.4 The Role of Management To achieve the competitive advantage, the Management levels also contribute hugely. Efficient IS/IT systems enables management to co-ordinate, organise and to control with a good plan. It gives information needed for strategic planning and for day to day operations. Therefore senior executives, strategic planners and information system managers are increasingly looking forward to get the use of IS/IT to achieve the competitive advantage. To prove this, there are several explanations in recent trends. Bakok and Treacy (1986), has identified that the underutilization of IS/IT as a serious problem for both IS/IT and for organization business managers. The main reason to narrow down to the IS/IT base competitive advantage are senior managements ignorance of IS/IT and its potential use and the poor communications among the groups who deals with IS/IT and the rest of the business teams. Also the resistance to change among both IS/IT and business personal and a lack of focus about the oppor tunities are some serious reasons which organizations are facing. According to White (2009), there are three different of management levels are included within the management hierarchy. These different levels are categorized as strategic, tactical and operational. According to scitation.aip.org web site, when in a strategic level, organisations must manage total demand whilst they acquire new infrastructure, technology or skills. At the tactical level the aim is align resources to enhance customer value in the most profitable way. Operational level, the management aims to provide reliable delivery performance within supply constraints. Getting the balance right between strategic, tactical and operational decisions will have any business powering ahead. According to Gerber (1995), strategic decisions play a biggest role in the business. Its decisions focus typically external to the business oriented and its decision making create forward thrust in the business. This strategic business will include the following points. What business are you in? What is your vision for the business? Whats your business identity? What do you stand for? Which direction is the business headed? How will the business compete? Also Gluck, Kaufman and Walleck (1982), have suggested that strategic management in most companies evolves along similar lines, by varying rates of progress from the basic financial up to overall strategic management framework. Also the strategic decisions force management to access the consequences of present decisions and do the changes as needed and to lead company to achieve it targets. The second major role is the tactical decisions. This involves the establishment of key initiatives of the overall strategy. Further to Gerber some examples we can take as, if organization decided to be the number one provider among the business competitors, then the organization must develop tactics such as implement a marketing system to achieve that outcome. This tactical decision is the domain of any business mission. Further to Gerber (1995), the next level is the operational decisions which determine how activities actually get done. This decision is mainly about who is going to do what and when. This will include the following terms: How will Organization spend their money this month? How will the company service that client? What is companies procedure for delivering an order? Who will be doing quality control? If an organization is making decisions involving process and procedures, then these can identified as an operational decisions. Specially operational decisions are made in real time and make quick adjustment to achieve the desired outcome. Also according to Abdi and Sharma (2007), stated that strategic and tactical management roles are playing huge role within the flight operation handling while using information systems. When we consider such an operation, there cant be any small mistake. Even a one wrong decision will lead to a huge problem in airline industry. Therefore it is very clear that the management decisions are very important when organization deals with IS/IT. As stated by Boseman, Phatak and Schellenberger (cited in Vardrajan Clark 2002), management roles are process with concerned with determining the future direction of an organization and implementing decisions based on the aim to achieve organization long and short term objectives. Within every firm the nature of control changes with the level of management. Top level management is mainly concerned about the issues which relate to strategic control. The lower level management is look after the operational issues. 7.0 Methodology The following sections present research methods that are using for this research project. 7.1 Selection of an appropriate research method(s) Following sections present a brief description of few research methods. Also this section explains the reasons to select those methods for this research project. 7.1.1 Description of Research Methods Case Study Research: According to researcher Yin (1984, p. 23), the Case study research method is defined as an empirical inquiry that investigates a contemporary phenomenon within its real-life context; when the boundaries between phenomenon and context are not clearly evident; and in which multiple sources of evidence are used. Also the case study includes observations, questionnaires. Also each organization has unique feature and mainly the Case studies are used to identify such features and to show how they affect the implementation of systems and how it influences the organizations. Action research: According Emroy (1980), mentioned that, like Action research methodology is mainly need to be flexible and adaptable due to disruption in the plan and may not meet the needs of everyone involved. Also it is not well known or accepted in computing and information systems. Survey Research: This method is used by the researchers when they want to gather data from some occurrence which is not possible to perform a direct observation. Experimental Research: When we consider the Experimental Method, it is mostly depend on the experiments on a new technique or approach and have to compare the results against those obtained using the generally accepted technique or approach. Therefor it seems this research method takes more time and the results will vary with each organization (Emroy 1980). 7.1.2 Proposed Research Method(s) for this study Matching the above mentioned attributes of the research methods with this research project, case study is the best research method that can be used. Primary and secondary data has to be used for this research project. Secondary data will be used get the theoretical aspects of role of management and