Tuesday, December 24, 2019

My Personal Philosophy On Teaching And Implementing A Pbss...

I have been fortunate enough to further my understanding of an administrator s role in developing and implementing a PBSS over the last five weeks. In gaining a broader depth of knowledge from a leadership perspective, I am learning the responsibilities and grit it takes to succeed in a larger role. During this research driven study, I have discovered the many facets that create a positive learning environments for learning. An area that I have focused most of my energy on is, creating a desirable school culture that promotes prosocial behavior among students. This shift in culture is guided by clear and concise policies that take a preventative approach to behavior, while minimizing the need for strategic intervention. This evidence based approach will improve aptitudes and attitudes essential to higher achievement focusing on the whole child, creating safe and socially and emotionally supportive climates, and engaging parents and the community (Alessandro, D. A.H., Brown, M. P., Corrigan, W. M., 2013). Intentions in this paper are to outline what my own personal philosophy on learning is, and to declare three clear professional goals which will state my intent as a graduate professional. Personal Philosophy of Learning My personal belief is that every single child has the potential to be great and a solid contributor to the community. My philosophy on learning is that it’s constant and always changing in order to adapt to students various needs. To do this, I will

Monday, December 16, 2019

Engl227 Week 1 Scenario Free Essays

ENGL227 Week 1 Assignment Scenario You are an upper-level manager in a large metropolitan hotel. One of your assistant managers, Jeff Clarke, has left you a voicemail message requesting emergency leave for the upcoming holiday weekend. Here’s what the message stated: I’m calling to request emergency leave again for this weekend. We will write a custom essay sample on Engl227 Week 1 Scenario or any similar topic only for you Order Now I know I’ve had three emergency leaves in the last two months, but my grandma isn’t feeling well again, and she really needs me to take care of her. I’ll be in later tonight for my shift. Can you let me know then? Thanks. You know from previous requests for time off that Jeff’s grandmother is coping with a debilitating illness. Your other assistant manager, Nina Hernandez, has covered for Jeff three times in the last two months. She has been looking forward to having this weekend off, as she is going out of town to celebrate her grandson’s first birthday. You are already on the schedule this weekend, and if you allow Jeff’s emergency leave, you’ll be short-staffed. To make matters worse, there’s a professional conference this weekend for electrical engineers at a nearby convention center, and many of the attendees will be staying at your hotel. This is the first time the convention center has directed attendees to your hotel, and if all goes well, this could mean a lot more business throughout the year. Jeff’s absences are becoming more and more of a problem. You could call him back on the phone to deny his request, but you’re starting to think you may need a written record of some sort to document the problem in case Jeff’s employment needs to be terminated. Human Resources at Corporate are always emphasizing the need for documentation. 1. Complete the Required Audience Profile (below) for Jeff, with the understanding that someone in Human Resources may be a secondary audience for this written response at a later date. 2. Select an appropriate choice of medium: electronic or print. (See Chapter 4 for guidance in selecting an appropriate medium. ) 3. Write a message to Jeff using an appropriate media choice denying his request and explaining the reasons why. You don’t want to fire Jeff, but you do want to be clear that you are denying the request. You really need his help this weekend. Submit the audience profile AND the written message to Jeff to the Week 1 Dropbox. Successful assignments will meet the criteria outlined in the grading rubric included in the Doc Sharing area. Required Audience Profile This audience profile is required as part of the week one assignment. Answer the questions below to create a thorough profile for your primary audience, Jeff Clarke, and your secondary audience, Human Resources. 1. Is my primary audience external or internal? This instance has an internal audience. Since Jeff Clarke is an employee the communication is within the company. 2. What are some key demographics about my audience, such as age, gender, family situation, etc.? The demographics for this situation are the conference coming up, and the family problems Jeff is having, which is the cause for the issues at hand. 3. How much does my audience know about the topic? Jeff has caused the problem, so he is aware of it. He is the assistant manager, and knows about the scheduled event, as well as how much his presence is necessary. 4. How much formality does my audience prefer? The information given does not allow me to know the person, but since the communication is within a business setting I would keep it formal. 5. How do I expect my audience to react to this message? If the family issue is true then, I would hope for understanding that the problem is out of my hands. Also, I would hope my co-workers would be willing to give the support I need during the troubling family crisis. 6. What are my audience’s values in relation to this message? What do they care about most? With the information provided Jeff’s relation to the message is the need for the message, his family crisis, but The Human Resources office cares most about the shift being covered by Jeff, and not his personal problems. 7. What do I want my audience to think, do, feel, or believe after reading my message? I would hope the primary audience, the company, would empathize with the problems I am currently having, and not penalize me for caring for my mother during her illness. 8. Are there any benefits for my audience that is related to this message? The benefit or the audience I can think of would be to try and schedule the leave for after the event, so both parties can be satisfied. 9. What information do I need to include for the secondary audience? The secondary audience, Human Resources, requires paper work for incidences and emergencies. A doctor’s note and a request are needed to clear the time off, and an incident report is needed to terminate the employee. 10. Whic h medium is most appropriate for this message and this audience? Why? For Human Resources, a full write up of the incident would be an acceptable medium. If Jeff were to have provide more of a notice than the company could have been more prepared, and the there is a risk that Nina could not accommodate the request because of her plans. If she has already left town or does not respond, then the shift will have to be covered by Jeff as originally intended. Jeff, As you have already been informed there is a conference for electrical engineers coming up this weekend, and they will require a full staff’s attention in order to gain their future business and referrals. The presence of all our managers scheduled is required. Unfortunately, Nina has given a request to go out of town, and has already made arrangements to do so. In the past she has been happy to cover your shift for an emergency, but she has already been given leave, and will not be able to work for you. We are unable to approve this leave of absence for the weekend of the event, but are more than happy to accommodate you for an emergency leave after this event. We appreciate your understanding in the current situation, and hope you grandmother gets well. Sincerely, Matt Ferry Hotel Management How to cite Engl227 Week 1 Scenario, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

The 1920s and Organized Crime free essay sample

The 1920s was a decade of exciting social changes and reflective cultural conflicts. For many Americans, the growth of cities, the rise of a consumer culture, and the so-called â€Å"revolution in morals and manners† represented a liberation from the restrictions of the country’s Victorian past. But for others, the United States was changing in undesirable ways. The result was a veiled â€Å"cultural civil war,† in which a pluralistic society classed bitterly over such issues as foreign immigration, evolution, the Ku Klux Klan, and race.The decade was both a decade of bitter cultural tensions as well as a period in which many of the features of a modern consumer society took cause. The 1920s in most commonly thought of as a self-indulgent interlude between the Great War and the Great Depression, a decade of dissipation, jazz bands, raccoon coats, bathtub gin, flappers, flagpole sitters, bootleggers, and dancers. So many new things, ideas, ways of life were established in this time. In accordance to this, World War I had shattered Americans’ faith in reform and moral crusade.The younger generation continued to rebel against the formal traditions while the older generation was occupied by a group of speculation (The 1920s†). World War I may not have made the world safe for democracy, but it did help to lay out the groundwork for this decade of American economic expansion. The 1920s saw the growth of the culture of consumerism, which changed the politics of American society and set the tone for American attitudes about money in the decades after. Americans hoped for prosperity, so they elected three Republican Presidents during this decade (â€Å"H102 Lecture 15: The Politics of Prosperity: The 1920s†).New technology played a very big role in shaping the economy in the 1920s. The culture was so different compared to the years before this decade. The technology that was invented at this time made the economy what it turned out to be. It also made an image into what a person’s lifestyle should be like. It’s kind of like the media today, we see all of this advertising for certain things or we see the way famous people are and we want to be like them in a sense. In reality we know that we can’t exactly be like them. This s kind of what the new technology was doing to people in the 1920s. When cars first came out, they saw their neighbor have one, so they felt like they had to get one. This was like a snowball effect. Everyone saw these new things coming out and had to have them. People looked at what other people were doing and saw this change and felt like they had to change right along with it. This changed the economy in a huge way. Culture was so different before all these new inventions came out. People did not have refrigerators, cars, movies, and this changed their way of life.They did not have to use an ice block anymore, no more walking everywhere, and no more listening to the radio. This did not just impact American economy, culture, and society but also impacted people’s lives and caused what is known to be the Great Depression. After everyone had a car, the manufacturers were still producing them with no one left to buy their cars from them. How could they pay the people that worked for them? They couldn’t, and many people lost their jobs because of this. This was not only happening with the car industry, but it happened in all sorts of factories.The Great Depression was a horrible time of the 1920s, but it made American society what it is today. Without the rebellion and wild happenings of the 1920s we would not have half of the things we would today. The 1920s was a roaring decade that shaped the American dream, for everyone, what it is now. So much happened during this time, some for better and some for worse. We learned from our mistakes and can realize what we have done wrong. If it weren’t for the 1920s, we would not know half of the stuff we do today. We also would not have half the stuff we do either.After the Great Depression was over, when things started getting better, we knew what happened, and we changed that and would try to never let anything happen like that again, at least during that time period. It is all a step by step process that we had to do. First we identified the problem, figured out ways to solve the problem, and then took the small steps into becoming a better nation and staying that way. One way that we tried to help better the society was to ban alcohol. This is part of what caused the organized crime that went on in this time period. The mob was formed and the people could not do anything about that. They were so powerful. People wanted their alcohol and they were not about to go with the idea of prohibition. Even though it seemed like a good idea at the time, it just happened to make matters even worse. Everyone was involved with it either way, if they were drinking, they knew someone who was and were asked to keep quiet about it. The illegal production and selling of alcohol began and this also is what started a lot of crime during this period. Good things were happening in this decade of the 1920s, but underneath what looked like to be a newly industrialized and reformed society, there was a world of crime.Bootleggers and gangs evolved and that was a crime in itself. They shot police officers and caused too many horrific acts to name. There were businesses including bootlegging, gambling, prostitution, and murders to name a few. The society was starting to be run by the mob. This was also a chain reaction because it had to do with knowing certain information and then being paid off.. Even the cops were involved in this because they wanted their liquor, as long as they got it free, they would not report it. This is a main reason in which the mob was so powerful. They had money and knew how to use it.There were serial crimes, and the cops could not stop it from happening. It was organized crime that supplied the alcohol and Prohibition is the reason for it. This was indeed the â€Å"roaring 20s† but it was also roaring with gangsters. If it wasn’t for the prohibition, there would not be the need for any illegal acts of buying or producing alcohol. Therefore, there would not be the need for these gangsters who started all of this crime. There wasn’t even a need for them in the first place, but someone had to start all of this illegal activity, and they became â€Å"famous† for it. Some people saw them as bad people, but others saw them as just the ones who controlled the underworld of illegal alcohol. It was highly obtainable even though it was illegal. Gangsters made so much money in this time of organized crime. Alcohol was illegal, certain people had it, anyone could obtain it, they just had to pay for it. Due to prohibition, it gave gangsters some crime work to do. Even after the prohibition was abolished, and alcohol became legal again, the gangsters had made so much money that the crime still went on. There was really no stopping it now once it all began. It can be imaged that the government knew about this. The crime rates were not going down, but for some reason alcohol was still illegal even though the government knew what was going on. They knew that it caused all of this crime and they knew that alcohol was still being consumed. The question is, how can they stop it? If the abolishment in itself was not working, then how would they stop it now? The nation was far to inexperienced with knowledge of just plain common sense, and they did not know things would go bad until after they saw it happen.Just like how people could just go into any bank and give a fake name and they could get another person’s money. The bank did not know about that until almost all of the banks lost all of their money. That is a very good example of prohibition. The government thinks that it will stop crime, but in reality it just made matters worse and it still went on. The government thought that by banning the sale and supply of alcohol, that this would limit crime and violence. Prohibition did not achieve its goals. It just led to more crimes and more violence.Alcohol, at this time, was seen as :the devil’s advocate† and the thought of banning it would help to improve the quality of American lives. This caused a huge growth in crime and doubled the amount of illegal bars operating then before prohibition. With a large coastline it was almost impossible to police and only five percent of alcohol was ever confiscated (â€Å"Organized Crime in the 1920s | 20th Century Crime†). Many people would pay top dollar to obtain alcohol. People did not see anything wrong with it, even though it was illegal, they saw nothing wrong with wanting a few drinks here and there.After all, it was legal just a few years back. It had to be one of the government’s worst ideas. It caused way more problems hat it ever did before. Even the average citizen broke the law. Yes, of course there was already variations of organized crime before this, but it was not nearly as bad as things had got during prohibition. Police forces were bought off, merchants were controlled, and politicians were bribed and even appointed by organized crime bosses (â€Å"Organized Crime in 1920s Chicago†). The legacy of organized crime extends to this day.Nearly the same things occur today with the modern drug war and organized crime. Prohibition caused major problems, not just organized crime. Unemployment rose because of the closure of all alcohol related industries. More and more police officers would have to divert into the prevention of alcohol consumption rather than fighting other crime. Newly hired prohibition officers were hired to raid speakeasies and they were not paid nearly enough or even qualified and experienced enough either, which made bribery a lot easier. A whole black market was created around alcohol.People began to make their own alcohol and many people got sick from alcohol poisoning because of the poor quality. The public grew less and less respectful of the law. After a great idea in concept, prohibition was a failure. Crime, dunk driving, bootlegging, and public drunkenness increased. After thirteen long years the government finally saw that prohibition was not working, and that it created more of a problem than it solved, they abolished the laws (â€Å"Organized Crime in the 1920s | 20th Century Crime†). The abolishment of prohibition also helped in the Great Depression. Many people got their jobs backs, more opportunities were opened because of this. People could start making money again, the legal way and start working with alcohol industries again. Although prohibition only lasted for a short period of time and was very unsuccessful, it is still seen as a â€Å"noble experiment† towards a righteous cause (â€Å"Organized Crime†). In conclusion, prohibition caused many problems. It should have been a local issue, not something that should be in the Constitution. More and more people came together to fight to bring back alcohol.It was a good idea that prohibition was abolished or else in today’s world, the crime would have been even worse than it already is. The era of prohibition led to a situation in which organized crime was used to obtain the illegal product. Organized crime grew and thrived during this time (â€Å"Effect of Prohibition on Organized Crime†). It has had a lasting effect on illegal substance distribution till this day. There were no lasting positive effects of prohibition. It was a failure and it surely was the cause of organized crime in the 1920s.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Why CanT People Feed Themselves Essays - Social Philosophy

Why Can'T People Feed Themselves? People can't feed themselves because they are dumb. The authors label colonialism as the central source of worldwide starvation. Frances Moore Lappe and Joseph Collins use fact after fact in an attempt to express how extreme the situation was and is. They propose that the origin of starvation in such areas as Africa and Viet Nam are due to the colonization process, which forced the natives to stop cultivating food plants and focus solely on cash crops. The piece vilified the colonizing countries by painting a picture of exploiting the native people and forcing them to rely on imported foodstuffs with intentions of driving up prices on imports while suppressing the costs of exports. Which in turn creates the famine. Some governments instilled plantations and slavery and it seems that the governments went to ridiculous means to make sure that the natives had to rely on plantation wages. ?Plantations usurped most of the good land, either making much of the rural population landless or p ushing them onto marginal soils. (Yet the plantations have often held much of their land idle simply to prevent the peasants from using it ? even to this day. Del Monte owns 57,000 acres of Guatemala but plants only 9,000.? (Lappe and Collins pg 176). Collins and Lappe frequently refer to these nations as ?underdeveloped?, rather than calling them undeveloped. They use this word in order to illustrate that these people are not primitive beings; there are certain areas in their society that need to be developed as opposed to their society as a whole. These underdevelopments were engineered by the colonizers, and could be undone in time if capitalism wasn't the dominant religion of the world. People have become more and more greed driven throughout history, and this article demonstrates just one of the many greed-driven inhumane activities of modern western culture. I think if anything is to blame it is the wool that capitalism has pulled over the eyes of the fortunate. As a result, we ignore all the lessons of the past and continue down the path to our ultimate self-destruction. Anthropology