Saturday, May 23, 2020

What I Was A Salesman - 1337 Words

No sooner than did I arrive home, I received a call from what I assumed was a salesman. It was, in fact, a salesman, but was for instead something I had already bought. The call regarded a custom shirt I had ordered online, a T-shirt with a blocky cartoon drawing of Otto von Bismarck on it. The operator on the phone told me that the company could not print me the shirt because the image was copyright of some artist who sold the design on another website. I tried explaining that I had taken reference from probably the same image but I had changed it to be another art style. This however was not good enough for them, and thus had canceled my order. After spending what felt like an hour scouring Google, I finally found the shirt that I was apparently infringing upon. It was located on an outdated website and displayed no price. After looking some more, I was directed to a page saying the shirts are no longer available as of 2008. As a consumer of the twenty first century capitalist free market society, there will always be a way to secure merchandise one way or another through relatively easy means. Then, the bigger picture hit me. Why is it that the face of a person of historical significance is copyrighted by someone who makes t-shirts and then refuses to sell them?. To me this makes no sense, if he s not willing to distribute it, why can t someone else at least enjoy it? It s obvious he s not been making any attempt to profit from it for some time. When was theShow MoreRelatedWhat I Was A Salesman1542 Words   |  7 Pagessooner then did I arrive home from class, I received a call from what I assumed was a salesman. It was in fact, a salesman, but was for instead something I had already bought. The call regarded a custom shirt I had ordered online. A T-shirt with a blocky cartoon drawing of Otto von Bismarck on it. 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I disagree with some of theRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Death Of A Salesman 873 Words   |  4 Pages What happens when a child is held to high expectations; also what if a parent has instilled faulty morals into a child that they expect greatness from? This can lead to a terrible combination of failures and disappointments. In Death of a Salesman, by Author Miller the readers see how a character named Biff, a child held to high expectations, partnered with a parent with faulty morals, has ultimately caused his inability to see things for what they are and he is unable toRead MoreIs Willy Loman a Tragic Hero in Death of Salesman1305 Words   |  6 PagesWilly Loman’s character in Death of a Salesman portrays him as a tragic hero. Willy Loman continued to want his recognition and his reputation but never forgets about his family. These characteristics describe him as a tragic hero in Death of a Salesman. 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